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What you need to know about our negotiations with MU Health Care

Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO

In order to keep you informed, we are sending this information to you in advance of communications that will be published this weekend. We will also be sending this information to our members.


For the past several months, Anthem and University of Missouri Health Care (MU Health Care) have been working towards a new contract with reasonable increases in payment.

MU Health Care is currently seeking a 39% price increase over 3 years – more than four times the rate of inflation. This number is unprecedented. Here’s what such an increase would mean:

  • When you need healthcare access the most, MU Health Care is making it more expensive. That means higher costs out of your paycheck and more out-of-pocket expenses when you seek care.
  • While individuals and families pay more, MU Health Care benefits financially.
  • Employers, Taft-Hartley programs, small businesses and government plans that directly pay for their employees’ health care costs will bear the burden.

Affordable healthcare is essential. These increases will create financial challenges for families, businesses, and the state as a whole.


Anthem wants to keep MU Health Care doctors and facilities in our health plan networks

At Anthem, we’re committed to keeping MU Health Care doctors and facilities in our health plan networks – because access to affordable care matters for businesses, employees, and families. Our current offer to MU Health Care is fair and ensures affordability while supporting the vital care MU Health Care provides. We’ve also proposed performance-based incentives that reward MU Health Care for delivering high-quality, value-based care – helping to control costs without putting an extra burden on employers, employees, and families.


We are working to minimize any potential disruption in care

Should MU Health Care choose to proceed with leaving Anthem’s networks, we are ready to assist our members in transitioning to alternative in-network providers. For patients currently in treatment at MU Health Care for serious or complex conditions, in-network benefits with their current care provider will be extended for a limited time after April 1, 2025, or until their course of treatment concludes. Our member services team is ready to help.


Standing against an unprecedented and irresponsible price hike is part of our mission as we continue to protect access to affordable care for all Missourians. Thank you for your trust in us.