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Changes to Nevada Small Group Broker Commission

Small Group | NV

Effective April 1, 2025, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield will have a simpler Small Group Affordable Care Act (ACA) broker compensation schedule. The current commission structure pays a different per contract per month (PCPM) amount based on Anthem’s Advantage, Champion, or Elite (ACE) Broker Achievement Program.

The new structure will pay the same PCPM regardless of the group size within each ACE tier.

Most brokers will see an increase to their commission scale. Depending on the number of enrolled employees, commission will either remain the same or increase.

The new commission schedule Is available on Producer Toolbox. Go to Tools & Resources > Tools & How-to’s > Commissions Resources to download. We will release more information on Anthem’s ACE Broker Achievement Program for Nevada brokers this summer.

Please contact your Anthem representative with any questions.